I was playing white and my most frequent opening is e4. This game also started the same way. Here it goes.
I was playing white.
1.e4 e5
2.Nf3 d6
Guess what did my opponent play?
3 .... Nf6
This is a classical bad example for Nf6 and then I moved on and on and on.
4.Ng5 Be7
5.Nxf7 Qd7
6.Nxh8 Nxe4
Another big mistake was Nxe4, trying to gain the position over the center without his pieces developed. I could have played Qf3, not sure how would it lead, but would have definitely been interesting.
7.Nf7 d5
8.Nxe5 dxc4
9.Nxd7 Bxd7
The 8 move was a blunder, went for a Bishop and lost his Queen.
10.Qh5+ g6
11.Qxh7 Nc6
12.Qg8+ Bf8
13.O-O g5
14 ..... Nf6
15.Re1+ Kd8
16.Qxf8+ Ne8
17.d3 cxd3
18.Bxg5+ Ne7
All he could do was loose the game !!!
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