Harmony - coming from a Greek word Harmonia meaning - joint, framework, agreement.
The most sought after living, yet it's the most difficult thing to achieve or probably the area where least effort is put on by humans. It's an inherent feature in everybody when it comes to communicating the feelings, thoughts, conflicts, disagreement and ofcourse expectations.
When harmony has to exist between 2 humans or a group of humans, communication holds the key. Let's take Husband and Wife relationship. They got to live together, go through emotions, share living space, protect each other, sail ups and downs but how? harmoniously! And it will be harmoniously when the communication between the two is impeccable, be it about feelings, expectations, conflicts or expectations. This is where the relationship fails a lot of times.
I didnt specifically mean marriage relationship, that was just an example. The relationship could be of 2 friends or a group of friends, parents and children, families, teacher and student, leader and team. So much build up, like KGF !
We fail to express our expectations, feelings, disagreement and even if we do so there is difficulty in getting on a agreement which pleases both the parties. And when there is no agreement, the relationship breaks. But the question here is - what should the topic where both the parties express disagreement and dont come to common terms? And when there is a disagreement, then comes next step, one of the parties should take a step back or both the parties can take a step back/forward to get the harmony in place.
I have a situation. I am not keen on spending 2 nights to celebrate new year, just because few friends aren't ready to drive back home on 1st reasoning to have exhausted after the party. Multiple reasons
- Alcohol is not the primary way of partying for me
- I already have plans for a trip just before the new year
- I dont want skip my work and also dont want my daughter to miss her school due to an extended stay
- Even though the price of extended stay would be less, it unnecessary
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