Aug 10, 2010

Different strokes

Shame shame

Chinni has unusual disliking for changing dress. She hates changing dress as much as a normal girl likes dressing up. So we normally tease her saying "shame shame" when undressed. You should see her blush at that moment. Then she runs towards pappa or mummy and gets dressed up. Chinni is clever too. She doesn't leave an opportunity to tease both of us.

Over last weekend, we were watching a English movie and Chinni was playing around. There came a scene when a lady in the movie was least dressed. Chinni noticed her carefully and said "shame shame"!!!!. We were dumb struck.

Sheer knowledge

Chinni has a lot lot and lot of grasping power. Some times I tell Nanda "How come Chinni is so intelligent when we both are so dumb?" We teach her a word and she remembers it forever. Like for example, her mummy showed her sun in a cartoon show. After couple of days, she showed us the sun in an advertisement paper.

Either be it toys, chocolates, vegetables, food items, trains, planes, animals (a few), watches, shoes/sandals in shops dresses or anything on her way, nothing goes unnoticed. She knows eyes, ears, nose, head, hairs, pummy (stomach) and what not!!!

Isn't it too much of knowledge for an one and half year old kid?


Not naughty, very naughty. Chinni knows to turn a clean home into vegetable market. She tries to imitate everything that pappa and mummy does. Brooming, if the stick is within her reach. throw water all over the room, displace the chairs, switch off/on A/C, try mummy's sandals, stand in front of mirror and talk to herself.

She saw children roaming around with tricycles. Chinni used to use both her hands, hold face and turn  it to show me the tricycles. So we bought one for her. Now she not only strolls in it but also does a bit of circus on this

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