Wish I was in Bangalore and would have definitely supported the Event.
My idea of supporting would be - give drop,in my car, to as many people (people looking for an auto) as I could, on my way to office. This idea is not hypothetical and is really practical. Car pooling is very popular in Bangalore, it could also be a way to extend support to this event.
And I think, why these thoughts all of a sudden? Only because there is an event? Do we really need some event to drive us? The answer should be a big "No". This should be practiced regularly in our life, if not everyday.
As anybody in Bangalore, I was also bitten several times by"NO" answer from rickshaw drivers. The instance you decide to take auto, the problems you face are in-numerous. Everybody agrees to it and there is no way to take action against them as a single person. It has to be a joint effort.
So the event is an opportunity for everybody to join hands and make it a huge success. Rickshaw drivers should learn a lesson and should definitely face consequences on rude behavior.
Say No to Rickshaw TODAY!!!
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