Aug 24, 2012

Unix Shell scripting

This post was badly required, just for me. Every time I have a write a script, I google. Its difficult to remember the various options of various commands. And most of the time its search, extract or replace. So here it goes

1. To split a string and extract a value
value=$(echo $line | awk '{split($0, splitValues, " ");  print splitValues[1] }')

  • Input to split is the value in the variable line.
  • split command splits the string, executing the regular expression within quotes and stores in an array splitValues.
  • print splitValues[1] returns the first element in array splitValues
  • If you dont want to store the value then  echo $line | awk '{split($0, splitValues, " ");  print splitValues[1] }' will print it on the console
2. Find a matching pattern in a file and extract them to another file
grep -n 'match this' test.log > result.log

  • grep searches the complete file test.log for the string mentioned in quotes
  • all the lines which matches the pattern are extracted to result.log
  • -n prefixes the line number of every match (-n is optional)
3.  Print last few lines from a file
tail -n
  • This command extract the number of lines of the specified file and prints it on the console
  • The output can always be redirected to a file tail -10 output.txt > subset.txt
4. Executing an sql in shell script - There are few steps to achieve this
  • Write a sql and store it in a file, say SelectQuery.sql
  • The shell script to connect to database and execute the query in SelectQuery.sql looks something like this
sqlplus -s -l /@  << EOF >> output.txt

while read line
    echo $line
done <  output.txt

errorCode=$?    # checks if the last operation (sqlplus) was completed successfully or not

if [ ${errorCode} -ne 0 ]
echo "SQLPlus was unable to connect the DB with the supplied credentials"
echo  "SQLPlus was connected successfully"

So what does this script do ?
  • Connects to database using sqlplus command 
  • output.txt is where the results of the query will be stored
  • @SelectQuery.sql actually executes the query
  • The while loop, iterates through each lines in the output.txt and prints them on console
  • A small check to display an errors at the end

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