Sep 6, 2010

Definitely can be a Chef

Empty mind is devil's workshop. 

Russell Peters was so true in one of his show telling a guy can sit, stare at sky and absolutely think nothing. His mind can be totally empty, no thoughts ... nothing ..... would be running. I have gone through such situations several times when the devil playing its role asking me "what would you do if fired ?". 

Looks like I have found the answer, a Chef !!! after preparing delicious onion pakodas without N intervening until they were ready to eat, over this weekend. Believe me, even Chinni complimented saying "mast" when asked "how are the pakodas ?". Its was not the first time I had cooked something good, ever since I started looking out for job the experiments have been going on and fairly have been successful. I can say the art of cooking is in my blood as my Mom cooks finger licking food be it either special dishes or the routine ones.

There are varieties of dishes I can prepare, but all of them being vegetarian, egg being an exceptional if that falls under non-veg category. Dishes ranging from daily needed to the special occasional delicacies, from sweets to spicy, from breakfast dishes to dinner platters ....... have hands-on experience in cooking all kinds of stuff.

Many of you might say "gosh, please save me from kitchen". But what drives me to cook is the compliments I get after people have tasted the dishes. They bring the smile on my face, makes me happy and I become lighter for a moment. 

Isn't my wife lucky ;)

Message of the blog: Learn to cook, it can help even when you don't have job !


Lakshmi Rajagopal - Bhat said...

Try cooking everyday ...every meal..then let me know if u still like cooking...also remember, cooking also means washing+cleaning kitchen+feeding baby!!!

Avinash THM said...

Hahahaaa ..... I don't intend to become a housewife ;) Chef and Housewife are 2 different professions.